Since its Foundation in 2010, the holding CUBO GROUP has come an interesting way from the purchase of unprofitable city hotel to the creation of a network of boutique hotels that affect the image of the entire tourism industry of the Republic.
Currently, the holding CUBO Group is a modern, high-tech, rapidly growing hotelier company, which has both existing profitable projects and projects under implementation.
Thus, CUBO Hotel, which is part of the holding, receives numerous prestigious nominations and awards, and CUBO Golf is one of the best Golf clubs in Slovenia.
This year, we are considering options to expand the holding into two more hotels.
Hotel business has always been and will be costly and long-term. It is inconceivable without the participation of interested strategic investors.
The CUBO Group holding, guided by its principle of permanent development, considers it important to maintain the share of investors to the level of 75% of all assets of the holding.
Remaining 25% owner of their projects, CUBO Group, as always, will play the role of a professional management company.
Individual approach to the investor as a partner, joint ownership of the hotel fund of the holding with CUBO Group is a guarantee for the organic development of our interesting, high-yield assets for decades.
Do business with CUBO Group!